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? asked in Science & MathematicsGeography · 1 week ago

Does a compass point true north anywhere except the Bermuda Triangle?

3 Answers

  • 1 week ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, there is a line from the region of the North Pole all the way down to close to the South Pole, where the compass points to true north. There is more than one line, and there there could be other places.

    Check out the map at this link, looking the lines labeled as "0" magnetic declination. Notice that the line does NOT go through the so-called "Bermuda Triangle."

  • 1 week ago

    No, a compass points to magnetic North, 

  • 1 week ago

    Compasses never point to true north, they point to magnetic north.  For most functions and for most places on Earth that's close enough but it's not really true north.  Or in other words the magnetic north pole is not the same as the geographic north pole.

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