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Anonymous asked in Entertainment & MusicTelevisionSoap Operas · 1 week ago

What is going on in Y&R? Have not watch in awhile..?

3 Answers

  • Audrey
    Lv 7
    1 week ago
    Favorite Answer

    The actress playing Faith is leaving the show and has been recast. The new actress starts April 12.Adam was the one who found Faith and rushed her to the ER. No one knows, though. And the ridiculous story line of Abby's "baby" drags on and on. Horrible storyline. 

  • 6 days ago

    I knew it was Adam who brought Faith to the Hospital.  I'm not sure where the relationship between Victor and Adam stands right now.  I'm liking Rey a whole lot.  Nick has lost his good looks because of his horrible haircut.  And I'm really shocked to find out they firdam.ed the man who played Chance!  Please don't tell me he fell for that blonde bimbo attached to Kyle! I'm wating for the big blowup with Asland Locke.  Can't take Sally and Jack for much longer so I hope she is needed baxk n Los Angeles real soon.   And Chelsea seems to be waiting a long time to make known all the goodies she has witnessed concerning Adam.  Someone said something about Chelsea and Rey working together to get Adam, so when is Adam gonna be arrested?  I view this soap almost every day, but miss a few episodes.  And if I see that Liam whining and crying again on The B & B, I'm gonna just stop watching it.  What a cry baby!   

  • Kathy
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    Rey and Sharon got married. Faith just got into a bad accident, because another girl made her look bad on social media. Chelsea had a bad stroke, and she has made progress in getting better, but she is hiding it from everyone especially Adam.Chloe is the only one who knows the truth. Chelsea wants to get revenge on Sharon and Adam for a kiss they shared. Kyle found out that he is the father of a 3 year boy from an affair that he had. He finally told his dad about the affair, but not about the boy. Sally from the Bold and the Beautiful, is now on the show, causing trouble, and trying her hooks into Jack. The actor who played Chance got fired back in February, and the role was not recap. Mariah agreed to be Abby's surrogate carrier.  Someone tried to poison Rey and he almost died.

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