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What’s the most real paranormal experience you’ve had?

10 Answers

  • Tim M
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    While working in a hotel one evening I had my name called out in a woman's voice. I was the only one in the lobby area, so it took me a bit by surprise. There was another employee on the top floor, but I don't think he would of tried to trick or fool me by doing such, so I was quite perplexed as to who, or what it could of actually been. I even went so far as to come around from the desk area to investigate where the voice came from, but when I could not find anyone I just filed it under strange and went about my business. 

    A few weeks later I was working in the same area in the middle of the afternoon on a busy shift, with another employee present, when out of the blue, I heard my name called out again in the same woman's voice. But this time the voice came from over the security radio. She just said "Tim"....  The thing with the security radio is that it is not provided by the hotel, but instead is owned by the security company that provided security to the hotel. When I heard the voice this time my eyes got really big and I felt very confused and exhilarated. I even went as far as to ask my co-worker if she had hard it and she said "yes". I also called out to the security guard and asked him if he had hard it on his radio and he also said "yes". I must also note that there are no woman that worked for the particular security company at that time and when calling over the radio you just didn't call out someone's name. 

    I had not told anyone of my first experience as I just preferred to keep it to myself, and upon the second encounter I was a bit more reluctant to say anything, but the desire to share my experience grew over time. At one point while working at the desk area I actually did end up sharing my experience with someone who just randomly started talking about the film "The Shining".... I told them every detail and shared my experiences with them..  A housekeeper that  worked there just happened to be standing nearby and overheard my story and butted in and said "Oh you just heard Mrs. Converse.... she's been haunting this hotel for years"... When she said that I was extraordinarily intrigued.... I had no prior knowledge of any haunting stories and yet I had my own experiences for myself.  I felt intrigued because I felt validated and a bit more certain that I had not imagined it and that it could very well be a true paranormal encounter. 

    Mrs Converse was an eccentric older woman who lived in the hotel for several years and rented an entire floor to herself. She would move from room to room and only ate White Castles and pizza. She lived in the hotel for several years, though she ended up eventually dying in the hotel of malnutrition. What was so compelling to me was that it was said that when she was lonely she actually come over to the balcony above the desk area and call out to whoever was there by their name. 

     In a way I felt honored to of been called out by her... in a way it was though I was being initiated into a greater mystery. 

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago

    I had a vision. I saw a guy with many sock accounts gaming YA Paranormal.😡🧬

  • Jesere
    Lv 7
    4 weeks ago

    The paranormal has been part of my normal all my life. I am telepathic, clairvoyant, clairaudiant and have had many out of body experiences 

  • 1 month ago

    I have had so many, it is hard to pick one. None have been frightening but strange would be a better word. Some people seem to experience paranormal on a regular basis and others never experience anything. Actually, Gary, it seems it is only you who doesn't understand it? That sounds about right there Gary, Why not ask your mum? Even the little stinker M understands it. Even though NG thinks it is silly and wonders why people ask questions like that, he still took the time to cut and paste his Yucca man story, the one he has pasted repeatedly for years. 

    You don't have to apologise Gary, I'm sure nobody gives a damn or is in the least bit surprised that you didn't understand the question.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    That would have to be the thing I saw when I was about six years old, when I lived in the UK (My father was stationed in the UK in the US  Air force)  We lived in a thatched roof farm house over 400 years old on the edge of Huntingdon.  Of course it had electricity and plumbing.  One evening I was playing with the light switch in the living room-- On and off, on and off, while my mother and miss Mary, an old English lady were in the kitchen making supper.    The living room light was a lampshade hanging down on a wire in the middle of the room.  about the fifth time I turned off the light, This grey form appeared under it, thrashing it's arm and leg like appendages about and making the shade jump---as it looked like its HEAD was in the shade.   Shocked, I turned on the light, and it immediately VANISHED.   I decided then, I did not NEED to be around there so I quickly walked to the kitchen, past  Mom and Miss Mary, and stood against the wall on the far side of the counter.   Mom , a bit peeved, angrily asked, "Now what's the matter with YOU?"---"I think I saw a GHOST", I replied.   Miss Mary raised her hands and exclaimed "Oh he DID!  He DID!".   I led them back to the living room and told them what happened.   Mom put her hand to her mouth and said "God! He saw the same thing I saw."     Turns out, she told me later, that she was sitting with my baby sister in the living room one night, about a week before.  When out the corner of her eye she saw the LAMPSHADE "  "bloop"   "Flip up" "What in the world, she wondered, as she looked again---and saw the very same thing I had seen (quite accurate--in my drawing).  She picked up my sister and got out of the room---She told no one, as she had been teasing my father about his own statements about how "there are ghosts in this house"----Then I saw it  too.   She also figured out what the previous renter MEANT when she had asked her one day---"Have y'all noticed something funny in the living room?"   And quickly changed the subject when my Mom replied no (before our experiences)

    .  Mom later speculated that someone might have been HANGED there as there was an old IRON HOOK driven into a big wooden beam above the light., She jokingly called it "the meat hook".   A hanged person's head would have been right where the light shade was in present time.

    ----------So at least THREE people, including ME saw the same phenomenon, in the same place.   So I know whatever it was , it was something REAL.---It made me believe in "Ghosts" for decades.  I no longer believe in actual "Ghosts" as I have since become a Scientist, but I DO BELIEVE in unusual and unknown phenomena WE CALL "GHOSTS". (Big difference).  And as a Scientist I am curious to find out what they actually ARE and how they function.  No two or three people imagine or hallucinate the same thing, after all, and since physical matter (the light shade) was affected--knocked around a bit, it was something actually PHYSICAL.----Remember , I do NOT call this a GHOST---only an example of Phenomena we call GHOSTS"--Big difference.

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  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    25 years ago as an 11-year-old, 3 friends and I were walking in the woods. We came upon a man who had fallen off a cliff and broken both legs. Being the times before mobiles we decided to carry him to safety. He was about 40 stone and we each grabbed an arm and leg (above the breaks) tried to lift. He was far too heavy for 4- pre teens. We needed paranormal help and luckily we got it. One friend had heard of a magic way to lift a person. We clasped our hands and put pointer and middle out and put 2 put under the armpit and middle thighs. With supernatural strength, we were able to easily lift the injured man and carry him the 5 miles to help.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    I usually share my experiences with other people who have had similar or different experiences to mine!

    Because in order to believe in the paranormal you have to have experienced it personally, and I am one of those people who have seen it with my own eyes, and no one will ever distort me from this truth. Therefore, when we talk about Paranormal, sint'ende, all that is supernatural, and, on this nature, are the spirits of demons that manifest themselves, and use their limited powers, to do incredible things on their manifestations, towards us humans.

  • John
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    Well, there was this one time I was with 3 other friends and our dog, and we were all in the van on a road trip. Our van broke down in front of this abandoned amusement park. We decided to go exploring and we ran into the proprietor who complained that ghosts had scared all his customers away and that he was going to lose the park. We wanted to help him solve this mystery, so we started investigating. We ran around a lot and got chased by pirate ghosts, but as it turns out the ghosts were just Old Man Withers with a flashlight and a tape recorder. He was the proprietor's old business partner and just wanted to buy the property for cheap by scaring the customers away. And he would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for us meddling kids. Anyway, Old Man Withers was arrested and the amusement park went back into business. The proprietor rewarded us with big hoagie sandwiches and free passes to the park. And that's my story, believe it or not.

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    I once saw a bee flying along looking for flowers, although it was kind of obvious that it was able to fly due to it's rapidly moving wings because I have not studied aerodynamics and was unable to calculate exactly how the wing's speed and surface area provided the appropriate amount of lift I was forced to conclude that I was witnessing a paranormal event.  

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    This question make no sense. Sorry. 

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