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A manual pump refrigerator possible/viable?

Imagine camping outdoors, and somehow you had a foot pedal powered fridge machine that could cool down a small box or pouch. Since a fridge works by pumping coolant or something. would it not be possible to do it manually? even to a  lesser degree, EX a pouch that you would have in your camping tent that  could lower  the temperature of a cup so you could drink cold stuff even when camping a few days in the middle of a forest or something and perhaps keep a box of food cold for extended time

2 Answers

  • 4 weeks ago

    This is already done.  Look for a 'Peltier Effect' container cooler  You run DC power through a Peltier Effect metal and it heats - reverse polarity and it cools.  Bring a rollup solar panel and you are in business.  Still too much to carry camping.

    Most electronic supply stores will carry cans of -55F freeze spray.  It is used to spray on heat sinks and power transistors to see if they are intermittent.  You can use it to freeze things like candy still in a wrapper.

    You can also go old school and bring rock salt.  Like making ice cream at home - rock salt in big container, little container of thick cream - add water to the rock salt and it goes below freezing turning from a solid to a liquid.  Put the rock salt in a thick baggie - add water and you got a cold pack.

    Most all medical supply stores will carry ice packs.  You punch the pack, a chemical is released and it goes cold in a second.  Handy to have these in your camping first aid kit.     

  • 1 month ago

    Yes, A manual pump refrigerator is viable.

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