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Anonymous asked in TravelAustraliaGeneral - Australia · 6 days ago

Why has China specifically banned Australia’s beef export? ?

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 day ago

    Australia could ban all iron ore to China.

  • fuzzy
    Lv 4
    3 days ago

    China seems to have a beef (excuse the pun) with everybody on every boarder they have, including the Sea. Besides the rest of the world will eat all the Australian beef they can raise, I wonder if they banned the Leather also for the Billions of pairs of shoes they need. On a side note, get the hell out of Taiwan China you lost that war.

  • Anonymous
    4 days ago

    China has  hit Australia in the  pocket  for  calling China  out over  investigating  spreading the pandemic  world wide

  • 4 days ago

    China wants to dictate to Australia and like the Big Girls Blouse

    they cant get their own way so they ban anything that makes Money from Australia

    Time to Nationalise everything Non-Australian Chinese owned all the Houses all the ships Businesses and and shops

    and see how quick the Chinese back down

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  • 4 days ago

    China has banned Australia's beef as a push-back maneuver as an effort to punish Canberra for its call for an international inquiry over the origins of the coronavirus.

    We all know that the China virus was most likely a lab enhanced version of the original Corona virus.

    Really, in my own opinion, (as everyone has one), China should be charged for biological warfare attacks worldwide! Back in October of 2019, they shut down their own air travel within their country, but continued to allow international travel for several months! That's the big indicator that they knowingly let it out of their country while restricting it to spread within!

  • 5 days ago

    Joke: Because they care about and are sensitive to us not caring about the animals that live and die cruelly here :) I personally wish that was true, being a raw food vegan for 13 years and vegan for 46 years, now 67 years old. This photo was taken last year, but alas we are not spiritually realised enough yet en-mass and its killing us and our planet faster and faster.

    Attachment image
  • arther
    Lv 5
    5 days ago

    who cares they can enjoy eating all the cheap trinkets they send here filling up our land fills.

    Time we stopped selling them anything , stopped importing land fill and people.

    Too many old traitors giving the country away example kevin747.

  • Anonymous
    5 days ago

    Australia could ban all iron ore to China.

  • 6 days ago

    They want to hurt us because they don't like Australians . 

    The Chinese will eat other kinds of meat do i need to tell you what that is 

  • Aussie
    Lv 4
    6 days ago

    To bankrupt us. So they can buy us cheap.

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