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Does anyone think that a lot of people have pretty eyes?

When the face is taken as a whole, a lot of people just have average looks and don't particularly stand out.


But I noticed when everyone started wearing masks and you could only see their eyes, those eyes can appear quite pretty, even striking.


Then when many of those people remove their masks, the rest of their features turn their faces into more ordinary-looking.


So, either a lot of people have a not-so-attractive combination of facial shapes / noses / mouths / cheeks / etc.. with their eyes or just eyes are the most attractive feature on people, hmm

2 Answers

  • 5 days ago
    Favorite Answer

    I see the same thing.  I thought it was just me.

  • Anonymous
    3 days ago

    Many people have nice eyes but just don't know how to play them up.  Masks only show from the bridge of the nose up, so you have no choice but to notice people's eyes.  

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