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Is surviving in the arctic with nothing but a t-shirt hard? ?

If I was in the arctic with nothing but a t-shirt, I would use the t-shirt to scoop up snow and then melt the snow so I could drink it

5 Answers

  • 2 days ago

    yeah not for very long. Hypothermia would set in within seconds given the ambient environmental temperature which would cause you to basically shut down. youd die pretty quickly after as your core temp dropped. 

  • 4 days ago

    That wouldn't be possible.

  • Audrey
    Lv 7
    5 days ago

    By the time the snow melted you'd have frozen to death.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    5 days ago

    We all hope you gain the courage and moxie to attempt such a feat.

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  • 5 days ago

    Tell me, how does a t-shirt melt snow when the temperature is below zero?  But anyway the real issue is that you'd die of hypothermia before you'd die of thirst.  Roughly speaking you have 3 minutes to live in cold water, 3 hours to live in cold air, 3 days to live without water, and 3 weeks to live without food.  Those should be your priorities in any survival situation.

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