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? asked in HealthDiseases & ConditionsDiabetes · 1 month ago

Left arm cramping?

I dont have any other symptoms, just like today my whole arm cramps but usually its just the inner part of my elbow. I have type 1 diabetes but my sugars havent been too bad lately. Could it be like dehydration or something? Please lmk whats going on?? I’m a 15 y/o female, no current health issues besides ofc the diabetes.

1 Answer

  • 1 month ago

    I'm afraid, my young friend, that WE can't say for sure whether it's dehydration, but YOU can.

    Pinch a piece of skin of your arm between your thumb and first finger for a few seconds and then let it go.  If the skin returns to its 'normal' position quickly, it's PROBABLY not dehydration.  If it takes a second or two to return to its 'normal' position, it PROBABLY is dehydration.

    Aren't you drinking enough fluids, my young friend?  You do know, don't you, that drinking fluids aids in getting rid of any excess sugar (glucose) in your bloodstream?  It gets you to 'pee' it out. i.e. your kidneys need fluid to do this, which COULD result in you becoming dehydrated if there isn't sufficient amount of fluids within your body to do this.  (Electrolyte imbalance can occur in both high and low blood sugar levels as electrolytes are 'pushed out' of your system when you pass more fluids through urination.)

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