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Why do Republicans want everyone to show ID to vote but not when buying assault rifles ?

I can buy an AR-15 at an Arizona gun show from a private seller, and not have to show ID, go through a background check, or even have a paper trail. 

12 Answers

  • GiGi
    Lv 6
    1 week ago

    I am assuming it is because illegal immigrants shouldn't be voting, but they can buy weapons.

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    False, gun shows are stocked by gun stores which still require an ID and background check. The gun show loophole is  myth.

  • They are not a business it's that simple and a few friends that did private sells 

    didn't do background checks but they did a bill of sale with two witnesses signatures  and a few just rejected a sell because the person didn't sit right with them. 

  • 1 week ago

    And that is the only way you can do it without an ID.  And not all states have that loophole, El Guano.

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  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    Why do Libtards want proof of vaccines but not to vote? Because they are cheating scumbags, that's why...

  • 1 week ago

    What this person is doing is stating the laws but not the realities.

    AZ law states that the seller of the gun will be held accoutable if they sell a gun to someone that would not otherwise qualify. Private owners in AZ have access to the same approval process as license dealers. I live in AZ and have purchased guns from private owners at shows and always did a background check.

    If you go behind the building and buy it from a gang banger (like this person would do) there would be no background check

  • 1 week ago

    No you can't, so shut the f--ck up. You've never been to a gun show. I have.

  • Med 10
    Lv 6
    1 week ago

    How about the idea of Biden and the rest of the democrats wanting a  passport to prove we have been vaccinated against Covid and if we don't have one, business's can refuse letting a person enter? Why, why, why?

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    Because it is not possible to hold a fair election without requiring proof of identity to ensure that every voter is eligible, and that no eligible voter votes more than once.

    I have no idea why you think the purchase of an assault rifle is in any way analogous.

  • Gun ownership is actually a Constitutional Right . I'm using liberal logic here fyi.

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