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? asked in HealthMental Health · 1 week ago

Could this be anxiety ?

For a example. I just be in my room doing whatever. Video games or movie and I get this negative energy that scares me as if I'm about to lose it and it will get worse to the point that I will harm myself and it scares me and no I'm not thinking like that. The feeling is dually around the chest or my head and it feels like 1000mg of caffeine. Comes in waves or sometimes it stays there. I do suffer from anxiety and I see a doctor for it but I never experienced this. Thanks

2 Answers

  • M.P.
    Lv 5
    1 week ago

    Maybe you're starting to experience panic attacks. Mine were like walking into a room and suddenly seeing a tiger in it - a punch of fear to the gut. Then it would spiral, like a rabbit hole and drag you down until the walls were bending and coworkers were calling an ambulance because it mimics the symptoms of a heart attack - and feels exactly like one. You're helpless and trapped in your own mental prison, you can't make decisions, you can't eat, can barely breathe, can't act or react, you're useless to the world around you. All they see is a shaking wreck, all you see is a black hole trying to swallow you up, everything and everyone around you doesn't exist. Even when I was at that point, it never occurred to me to commit suicide, I was in survival mode, just trying to block out any negative energy, to just survive, to just keep going. I think I have a mood disorder, which is a nice way of saying that I'm probably manic-depressive, or bipolar, as it is known today. It sounds like you're not as bad, maybe all you need is some light tranquilizers to balance you out. I wish you well.

  • Kitty
    Lv 5
    1 week ago

    Mabye take Tylenol or if u take caffeine daily stop that 

    Eat healthy balanced meals 

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