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Anonymous asked in Pregnancy & ParentingPregnancy · 18 hours ago

What's your experience as an alternative mother ?(tatt,goth,punk,etc.)?

I don't consider myself alternative. But I guess to "main stream" people I am. I have dyed hair wear combat boots of sorts and wear band t- shirts.l, more often than not, one tattoo an ears priced. During my first pregnancy I was treated very horribly and lied too about what was going on by doctors and nurses. I lost the baby in a extremely traumatic way. The entire time start to finish almost dying. I get nasty looks from other moms and started at while I wait. I get the how old are you I'm 24 but people tend to think I'm 16 or 18. Get scoffs like I'm lying. It's been hard for me, I don't know what it is if its my ways of dressing or how old I look. I'm nice and friendly even with their  nastiness I don't what it is. Sorry for the poor grammar wording I wrote this in a rush at work 

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    17 hours ago

    If parent your child.  Don't abuse them and provide for them.  I don't care if your hair is black pink purple.

  • Anonymous
    17 hours ago

    My experience has been exceptional. We send our children to the best independent private schools in the area and enjoy the looks during school socials. We find the raised eyebrows delightful; after all, we are paying the same £7,500 per term as everyone else. 

    I have never experienced the discrimination you're describing despite being heavily and visibly tattooed with bright hair and similar dress sense. My doctors have always managed to ignore that and focus on my actual health, but I've never accused them of being liars, either.

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