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Why do British women look so fat, unhealthy, old and stressed ?

4 Answers

  • Ludwig
    Lv 7
    36 mins ago

    Heh heh.  You are not getting any younger.  And one day, you shall be old.

  • 7 hours ago

    Basketball and football were invented by White people (James Naismith and Walter Camp).

    Soul food is a hodgepodge of Native American and European food. BBQ sauce was invented by English, French and German Americans. Gumbo is cajun. Cornbread is Native American. Chicken fried steak is German/Austrian. Pancakes are Greek. Fried chicken originated from Scotland. Waffles originated from Belgium. Peanut butter was invented by the Incas. Potato chips were invented by a white Englishman named William Kitchiner.

    blues music wouldn't exist without the influence of Celtic music and non-black instruments such as the harmonica (German instrument) and guitar (Spanish instrument). Rock n roll is a fusion of blues and country music. Country music derived from Western which derived from Celtic music. Jazz wouldn't exist without the influence of classical music and the piano (Italian instrument) and saxophone (Belgian instrument). Rap, techno and house music wouldn't exist without the German electronic band Kraftwerk. Music as an art came from Europeans. Europeans created things like counterpoint, written music sheets, music theory, etc. Music became organized and philosophical. European culture spread to the Americas and led to the creation of the many genres we see today such as country, rock, blues, etc. They all originate from Europe.

    The traffic light was invented by a White man named Lester Wire. The original traffic light, based on a semaphore system, had been invented in London in 1868 by John Peake Knight (a White man). Blacks only created a handcrank signal that wasn't even a light.

    The lightbulb was invented in England by a Cornish man named Humphry Davy in 1800.

    lewis latimer only co-created (with Edison) a carbon filament that was only in use for three years until another one was improved by another White man. 

    The telephone was invented by a White man named Elisa Gray (who also invented the synthesizer).

    The first modern air conditioner was invented in 1902 by a White man named Willis Haviland Carrier

    The lawn mower was invented by a White man named Edwin Beard Budding in 1830 in Brimscombe and Thrupp, just outside Stroud, in Gloucestershire, England.

    The architect of the White house was a White man of Irish descent named James Hoban (a slave owner btw).

    All Humans are White if you go back far enough. Early Human ancestors started out with White skin according to biologists. dark skin evolved after Humans lost their body fur because naked skin was vulnerable to UV radiation as explained in the out of africa theory.

    black Africans have up to 19-percent genomic contribution from unidentified archaic hominids making them less H.Sapien than White people.

  • 7 hours ago

    s showed by the Daily Mail, ladies' midsections — and feet — have gotten greater since the 1950s. (Signal customary joke remarks on 50s estimating.) So for what reason would we say we are so satisfied with ourselves?

    As per an investigation of British ladies' estimations deciphered with incredible subtlety and restriction by the Daily Mail's Victoria Lambert, ladies are greater in pretty much every measurement than they were the last time they led such an examination, in 1951. With estimations of 37-27-39, the normal British lady in 1951 "was the exemplary hour-glass, not far-removed Hollywood principles." But now "our hour-glass has folded into a barrel-like 38-34-40." Says Lambert, "our imperative measurements don't simply convey suggestions for what we look like - they are urgent to our wellbeing."

    She proceeds to compose essentially the stoutness alarm piece you may anticipate. Notwithstanding the way that normal BMI has really gone down in Britain in the course of recent years, is as yet in the solid reach, British women actually need to stress over those "fundamental insights" on the grounds that their abdomens are currently horribly huge. Indeed, even an expansion in foot size is evidently cause for concern: "It's very something awful if the explanation is weight related on the grounds that it can prompt expanded pressing factor applied through the foot and lower appendages and back, causing extra mileage on joints and delicate tissues like tendons." And obviously, men don't make passes at young ladies who resemble barrels — British hips haven't stayed up with abdomens, and "wide hips have been generally seen as appealing to men since they indicate fruitfulness."

    English ladies' future has ascended by a long time since the 50s, yet Lambert's message is clear: the normal female body is undesirable, and ugly. By all rights, it appears, ladies ought to be loaded up with self-hatred. Be that as it may, in any event as indicated by her kindred Daily Mail author Lucy Taylor, ladies today are absolutely brimming with themselves! Taylor utilizes an agonizingly frequently refered to US concentrate on narcissism as a hopping off highlight make some sketchy cases about ladies and their consciences. Did you realize that narcissism has developed by 67% over the most recent 20 years, "fundamentally among ladies?" Or that a full 10% of the populace currently "experiences narcissism as an out and out behavioral condition?" Apparently this self-respect is terrible for ladies, since we in reality sort of suck, and won't ever get a man in the event that we don't recognize it.

  • 7 hours ago

    britain's life expectancy is higher than most countries around the world 

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