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Anonymous asked in Entertainment & MusicPolls & Surveys · 5 hours ago

Now that the P&S is coming to an end, what are your predictions to these users in 2022?

My predictions:

RetroBe becomes an accountant.

Gary Human Being will eventually get himself a girlfriend from a carnival, she will be the bearded lady. Arguments over who has the best facial growth will cause them to break up after a year. 

Matt85 will emerge from the darkness after so many years locking inside his mum's basement and be blinded by the sun. A news team and his neighbors will be gathered to greet him, then quickly lose interest.

Jess C, will move to New Jersey from Australia to marry a guy who she met on the Discord and get hit by a car and spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair.

Asep will commit suicide realising he/she is friendless and ugly.

Kathy will spend more time with her husband and live out her old life with christian faith. she will sail to Bermuda and never reach the destination.

Hung will do everything to get himself motivated by working at walmart as a toilet cleaner and earning minimum wage, feeling happy with his first ever job, so he will tell all his family and friends to throw a massive party, then gets fired after breaking lockdown rules. 

Elliot the Corgi will celebrate his first shower in 16 years, it will also be his last having remembered his former life as a dog.

Wilson will continue his life as an incel and spend most of his time debating with feminists over men's right on the internet, then he becomes a strict vegetarian after watching a video about some chinese guy eating a bat alive.

Updated 5 hours ago:

David will marry a woman called Saskia who he finds on the street in Ukraine and have 3 blonde children, Aleksandr, Olev and Donald, after having cosmetic surgery to remove his extra toe and a big birthmark which covering half of his face.

Advert Child will become addicted to prescription laxido and spend 3 years in rehabilitation to curb the cravings. 

Updated 5 hours ago:

DrDeath will be caught shoplifting women's panties and exclaim they are for his wife. Pictures emerge online of DrDeath wearing the stolen items. He spends 3 years at her majesty's pleasure for shop lifting and indecent exposure. 

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    3 hours ago

    Pearl L is going to end up in a loony bin.

  • Jess C
    Lv 7
    4 hours ago

    Geez, that's a bit much...

    I don't use Discord... I already have a boyfriend in Australia and I don't plan on moving to New Jersey...

  • 4 hours ago

    I thought we were all migrating to the sub reddit r/pollsandsurveys or r/yahooanswers

  • All false probs but u might get one or more of those things happening to you. Leave those users alone.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Matt85
    Lv 6
    5 hours ago

    Hey! I have my own flat, I'll have you know.

  • Anonymous
    5 hours ago

    Fireball will continue cheating on her husband and bring back an unexplained STD from her lesbian affair.

    McWeasel gets aids from a hooker.


  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 hours ago

    OMG you have a very vivid imagination LOL. 

  • 5 hours ago

    Yeah but my predictions are more darker of them than yours. Also elliot the corgi is a paedophile 

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