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List of your favorite songs by Bruce Springsteen and David Bowie?

BQ: AC/DC or Thin Lizzy?

BQ2: Pasta or Pizza?

BQ3: Muffins or Brownies?

BQ4: The movie "Big" starring Tom Hanks. Nay or Yay?

1 Answer

  • vtd288
    Lv 7
    13 hours ago
    Favorite Answer

    Bruce Springsteen

    "Cadillac Ranch"


    "Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)"

    "It's Hard to Be a Saint in the City"

    "Crush on You"


    David Bowie

    "Watch That Man"


    "Modern Love"

    "The Width of a Circle"

    "Station to Station"

    "Life on Mars?"

    BA : AC/DC but I like Thin Lizzy as well.

    BA2 : Pizza

    BA3 : Brownies

    BA4 : Yay

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