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Does this sound like I have a learning disorder? If so, which one?

I have problems comprehending a lot of spoken instructions so I'm wondering if I have a learning disability, perhaps something like auditory processing disorder.

When I was 21, I got a job at a supermarket and went to cashering school to learn how to use their cash registers. I couldn't do it and wound up being a bagger.

I worked at Blockbuster for two years but never got how to use the computers. I always had to call for assistance when ever I had to do something very complicated, so much so that my boss made my login password: "help."

When I worked at Burkes clothing outlet, my boss got irritated that I had to be shown, repeatedly, how to sign people up for the Burkes credit cards. (I was fired after a month.)

I worked at a dollar store where I was able to tape record my boss telling me how to do the paperwork at closing. She didn't like me doing that, (she said it wasn't complicated) but I knew it would be for me. 

For the first time, I was able to do something complicated because I was able to learn at my own speed. I wrote everything down on a "cheat sheet" for me to use at night.

I seem not be able to do jobs that are complicated. I could never work at the post office or have an office job. (Too many steps.) I'm 51 and don't have a career as a result of all this.

I started talking late, but was a "talker" in elementary school. I and have trouble learning foreign languages and I suck at Math.

Does this sound like a learning disorder? If so, which one?   

3 Answers

  • 3 weeks ago

    my ex boss used to say that i was slow and stupid at work, but he was not that good himself and no longer works at the company

  • 3 weeks ago

    i would ask your doctor about it

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago

    No one here can diagnose you.

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