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Lv 7
? asked in Computers & InternetSoftware · 1 day ago

Seeking free basic video editing software – just to trim edges off clips?

My goal is solely to trim AVI files that I have recorded with my camera and that I have subsequently downloaded onto my desktop PC (Windows 7)

I have tried a few free downloads and they all have their own file format.

That is, after editing I am unable to view the edited file on Windows Media Player.

I must be able to present it to somebody else on their computer/laptop.

Any recommendations?

1 Answer

  • 1 day ago
    Favorite Answer

    Get hitfilm express, that's free and should be fine for the job.

    Note that Windows includes very few codecs as standard and is not compatible with a lot of common formats. Microsoft appear to want to sell addons to make it compatible with all the newer files.

    Get the "LAV Filters" pack and install that. it allows Media Player to play near enough every file in existence.

    It's free from Github - search LAV Filters and look for the result titles

    Releases · Nevcairiel/LAVFilters

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