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Anonymous asked in Social ScienceDream Interpretation · 5 days ago

Am I crazy? ****** up? Or is there something deeper going on? [Hard/triggering topics]?

Ok so please don't judge me but I have been having these weird dreams, and the main theme keeps landing on... Rape. Weird, ****** up, yes. I don't know why but two dreams in a row now I have dreamt about rape, I dreamt once that I was actually abused and the other time I went through trauma therapy to "find the memories" and they were given to me through some pictures. For some backstory even though I'm only fifteen I know a lot about sexual stuff, I've never experienced anything though. When I was a kid I would have these "Fantasies/dreams" of children being abused. I would imagine them having things stuffed inside them and imagine being burnt in a fire. And somehow, at 7 years old I know what a torture table was and it was used in my dreams. I remember children being put on fences and hanging from their private parts. It was always girls and they never had faces. I remember I was always a woman in the dreams and I drove naked a lot? I know this sounds crazy I dont know where I got any of this from! I also remember I had dreams of this wolf that would steal away children and either cook them up or torture them. The private areas were always being explored in gross and in appropriate ways. I was 7 for Christs sake where did I learn this??? Did I just have a perverted mind? Or am I repressing something. Maybe someone did something to me when I was young? I don't remember anyone who would have but you can never trust anyone so who's to tell. Please help me.

Updated 5 days ago:

 I've for years thought I was disgusting please tell me I'm not alone and Im not a total batshit crazy pervert who wants attention so is HOPING that its something deeper for some ducking reason? Why do I hope it is? That's disgusting I know rape victims why would I want that? Do I want that? I'm really not sure. I do however know I am incredibly submissive sexually wise. A baby bottom, even though I've never done anything, dominating doesn't seem tasteful.

2 Answers

  • 4 days ago

    Your question belongs in the Psychological section of Yahoo Answers.  There are some well trained people over there who can help you through this maze. Go to the Social Science Category and then chose Psychology under that.  I am going to try to switch your question over there, but I may not be able to do that.  You need real help and asking people on Yahoo Answers for the answer to your situation is just so unwise.  Seek the help of a real psychologist, or counselor.  I wish you well my dear.  

  • Rich
    Lv 6
    5 days ago

    I don't believe that you want that. That is forceful violence against your body and soul, and against the will. Nobody wants that.

    When people have dreams about something bad happening to them, whether it is rape, murder, etc. it is usually rooted in one of two reasons:

    1) There is a subconscious fear that this could happen to you. Often this fear comes from witnessing the pain that others suffered who experienced similar things. That fear can then manifest through dreams.

    2) God is real, and he gives dreams to people to warn them that something is going to happen to them if they don't change. He is love and he often warns people through dreams, but the great majority of them don't see that. This is what I am talking about:

    Why do you complain to him

        that he responds to no one’s words[a]?

    14 For God does speak—now one way, now another—

        though no one perceives it.

    15 In a dream, in a vision of the night,

        when deep sleep falls on people

        as they slumber in their beds,

    16 he may speak in their ears

        and terrify them with warnings,

    17 to turn them from wrongdoing

        and keep them from pride,

    18 to preserve them from the pit,

        their lives from perishing by the sword.

    Job 33:13

    I do not know if your situation falls under #1 or #2 above.

    But with the way things are going people can fall victim to crimes anywhere anytime these days. So I tell everyone, no matter who they are, that they should be sticking close to the God that is warning them, for He alone is often our only protection.

    Talk to Jesus like you do with anyone else. Repent of your sins and ask him to cleanse you with his blood. Read the Bible. Listen to Christian worship music, and then read Psalm 91 out loud every day asking HIM for that type of protection in your life. I have seen many miracles in my personal life and I guarantee you, HE is very real.

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