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Lv 7

Where to go now that YA! is shutting down?

I found which is just like YA!.

Does anyone else know of Q&A sites for photography?

Updated 4 days ago:

Yes, I'm fully aware on how to do a cursory internet search, and I do know of several other forums.  So thanks Anon for being such a coward; your lack of civility is very disappointing. 

The aim of this question was twofold: 1) to inform people of; 2) to get other's opinion on what they consider to be good sites. 

2 Answers

  • 5 days ago

    The various camera forums at

  • Anonymous
    5 days ago

    Anywhere is better than here. Y.A. has utterly sucked for years, so good riddance to it. As for good photography sites, one should think that a Level 7 user would be clever enough to do a simple internet keyword search for the phrase "photography forum" . Apparently that's not the case. FAIL. 

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