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Why doesn't Johnson and Johnson require a second shot appointment?

The Pfizer and Moderna covid vaccine shots require a second shot appointment but a Johnson and Johnson is one and done as the only shot to get. Why is that? What's the catch to the Johnson and Johnson vaccine compared to the Moderna and Pfizer? Is it less effective?

3 Answers

  • 5 days ago

    maybe theirs is different

  • 5 days ago

    It's good.  They used a different technology to build theirs. That's all.  all are effective. Get whichever one you can. 

  • Anonymous
    5 days ago

    No one who got the Johnson & Johnson shot was hospitalized or died of Covid-19 during the study's follow-up period of 28 days after vaccination.

    What's more, the Johnson & Johnson vaccine's effectiveness against severe disease was found to increase over time — to more than 90 percent within a month and a half after vaccination.

    The reason pfizer and moderna require 2 shots is It introduces it to the spike protein and allows it to generate a small immune response prior to the second dose. 

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