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Anonymous asked in Family & RelationshipsFriends · 5 days ago

is this enough to end a friendship over?

Idk if I’m overreacting but basically, my roommates keep talking **** about me behind my back and i feel like I don’t want to be friends with them anymore. Background: i’ve been friends with them for 2+ years and recently i had been noticing that everytime they loaded dishes, they wouldn’t put mine in. I thought it was an accident til one of them told me while we were watching TV that they expected the dishes to be loaded every night before bed and that I wasn’t helping enough which no one had mentioned to me even tho we’d been living together for a month and a half. All that week after she said that, they would tell me they were going for a walk or would go places without inviting me. I had a sit down conversation with them about chores and I thought things would be normal but they didn’t apologize for their pettiness and were just defensive and I realized that I didn’t feel like I could have an honest conversation with them without feeling like they’re talking about me or wondering what they said about me just before. I never realized they were so petty and I’ve just not been talking to them the past few days. They know honesty is huge with me and ive gotten annoyed with them in the past about doing things behind my back. Help

5 Answers

  • 1 day ago

    iam sorry to  heard that but it better to move on and find  some better nicest and new people to be friends with. if you cant handle with your room mate anymore then better to just not be friends with him or her anymore. because not worth it staying friend with someone who treat you like crap and lie about it and not be truth everything she or he said about you. 2 years not a best friends . more like a friend who you knew is still new . i have bunches friends that i know my whole lifes and we never fight or talk back each other. you need to end the friendship right now and you dont have to deal with some body who keep talking bad things about you not a real friend at all. if your own place and you are the one who pay the rent then you can find new roommate who is total different from this roommate. make sure that next time you dedicate to find someone else make sure you get to know them how their personality life will be and that they wont be trayed you and not going treat you  wrong and wont start talking dumbs stories behide your back again. the roommate can pack up his or her stuffs out the apartment this start this coming week to get find another place to go to. then you can start taking care of your own things and see if you can live alone until you find someone else new . maybe you should ask see any of your close buddy good friends want to live with you as roommate . but dont rush to find one . few month should wait . plus it better to look for someone who does like to help out around the house and take care of their own messes and ect expect you doing all the work yourself. if you are a male it better can try to get a little older male or female that dont mind to live with a someone who is little younger but can handle to paid half the rents.  make sure the other people have a job and wouldnt take advantages you like leaving dirty dishes and leaving dirty laundry on the floors  and ect. that not your job to pick up some one else things . they need to learn to be grown man , grown woman. if they going to move out of their parents house. you also should make a house rules , house chores lists so next new room mate can see and read and follow the new house rules. this place yours . better just have at least 2 -3 older adults who does take care of themsleves and take care of their own stuffs . make sure you dont let anyone take you advantage you no matter what . those room mates seem they not acting their ages and they going to keep doing it until the landlord will find out whats had been going on and few months you wont have a place anymore.  be fun just kick them out then find and ask one of your relatives like cousins who are older wanted to live with you. your best friend who arent like them . summer is coming up so you have plenty of time to find some body new to move in . make sure you dont have room mates who does drugs or will cause trouble . a clean, respect, honest,  friendly, who are responilble person. help out around the house and do wash and clean and pay the bills on time. not lazy, not rude, liar, no trouble maker. no under age adults like 18-22  they are going end up taking advantage of you no matter what. maybe can try out female room mate that be better . 

  • Foofa
    Lv 7
    3 days ago

    Living together is a great way to ruin friendships. That has always and will always be true. So maybe find another place to live and then you can rekindle these friendships. 

  • 5 days ago

    If they think you're not helping enough why couldn't they just ask you about it and let you know instead of behaving like morons?

  • 5 days ago

    thats up to you

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  • Anonymous
    5 days ago

    Yeah I try to make up condoms which is frequently

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