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Anonymous asked in HealthMental Health · 5 days ago

Does anyone experience this? Adhd ?

adhd child. can’t focus on one thing. It’s really hard to get work done on time. Life is difficult. It takes 10times hard work and effort to get things done as of a normal person. This carries on to adulthood and it’s the same problem but now it gets in more bigger issues. People tend to get mad at you. But they don’t know anything about you or adhd. You can’t come out with it and say to the world I have adhd. They don’t understand you. You have dreams and everything but this gets in your life. an adhd person can reach anything in life but it’s not easy and they tend to do it in a slow pace. where to get help? 

1 Answer

  • David
    Lv 4
    5 days ago

    There are lots of therapists that deal in ADHD in adults.  Google "adhd therapy" and your town for lots of resources.

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