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Is there a negative stigma attached to the work I perform ?

Recently I lost my Retail/ customer service position. 

I have now for the past week  accepted work with a temporary agency in which I'm cleaning up trash and debris outdoors with a claw-like pickerupper . This is all outdoors at a shopping center. 

My friends associate this with A  " jail or " felon" job.

My question is whether or not there is negative judgement with the janitorial  or trash pickup jobs?

3 Answers

  • Fin
    Lv 4
    5 days ago

    Not going to blow wind up your pant leg and tell you there isn't judgement by SOME folks who look down on those who do menial labor.

    BUT I'd point out to your friends that, unless they have a better position to offer you, that at least you're working and making your own money, and to reserve judgement for those that are willfully not working and leaching off of the government teat.

    Standing on your own two feet is something to be proud of.

  • 5 days ago

    What your friends think is immaterial. The job pays your bills and gives you something to do each day. It's also temporary.

  • 5 days ago

    it does not matter what people say. Even if disadvantage of this job is stigma , stigma certainly has it's advantages...especially it is averting opportunists 

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