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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentLaw Enforcement & Police · 5 days ago

The judge dismissed me and the police officer in traffic court, I walked out first, I noticed the police officer didn’t walk out, I walked ?

The judge dismissed me and the police officer in traffic court, I walked out first, I noticed the police officer didn’t walk out, I walked Back in and the judge was reading my discovery form I requested out loud to the police officer 👮‍♂️ then she kinda of got startled when I came back in and saw her. Is she allowed to read my discovery form with everything I requested out to the police officer? I know the officer could get the discovery info from the prosecutor if he wanted, but does it seem weird she was telling him as soon as I left? Should I request a new judge ? This is for traffic court 

Updated 5 days ago:

I didn’t get the case dismissed, she just granted me a continuous and dismissed us to leave the court room. So my case was done with till the next time it gets scheduled 

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    5 days ago


    Sorry, I thought your use of "dismiss" was in the legal sense.

    Doesn't sound good, for sure.  But, they may very well be friends for all you know.  Yes, I think if it is worth it to you, ask for a change of venue, and then the cop will have to show up there, too.  They say a lot of the time, when you request that a cop go to court, it is an inconvenience, so they won't show and you will win by default.  I do not have any experience with that.  I heard it.  I got a ticket once and I went to traffic school.  Cost more, took a whole Saturday, but it was removed from my record.  I actually learned one really important thing from the class:  THERE ARE NO ACCIDENTS.  SOMEBODY DIDN'T DO WHAT THEY SHOULD HAVE!

    BTW, it is a continuance, not a continuous.  (Not being rude, but you want them to take you seriously)

    Well, I don't know if that is legal.  (Maybe not if they acted so sheepishly)  At least you got it dismissed.  I don't want to worry you, but I would be careful if you frequently drive in the area where you were ticketed.  I know of a case where someone was wrongly ticketed by a  CHP officer and won in court, BUT, the CHP officer had friends and they all made the guy's life a living hell.

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