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? asked in Politics & GovernmentLaw & Ethics · 5 days ago

Can something happen if my neighbor complain about being loud ? Can I fight back ?

I live in a 1 bedroom appt. And pay 1700$ I feel since I pay so much in rent I would be aloud to live how I want too. My upstairs neighbors is constantly stomping to shut us up when we are only watching a movie. She's complained at 1pm. 4pm 9pm it's like when do I really have time to watch tv. I don't think it's fair to put up with her stomping (bigger lady), her screaming when she's using the bathroom, and her coming home around 4am 5am and walking SO LOUD yet I can't watch tv during the day. I can't listen to music during the day!

13 Answers

  • 3 days ago

    How much you pay in rent doesn't mean you are ALLOWED to live how you want to.   You live in communal living and have to have a level of respect for the others who live around you.

    Your tv and music should be kept at reasonable noise levels.   If she's hearing it thru the floor, it's too loud.

  • 4 days ago

    Due to her work schedule, she is sleeping during the day and working at night until the wee hours of the morning. No wonder there is a noise conflict!

    When apartments and multifamily rental units are constructed, it is strictly an investment property for the owners. They do not pay any attention to providing sufficient insulation or soundproofing in shared walls, ceilings or floors. This leaves the tenants frustrated by one another's noise levels.

    It's such a shame and Iaws should be passed to protect tenants with the proper soundproofing techniques when the building is constructed.

    With surround sound and other speaker technological advances, this causes sound to travel. Sure, it maybe normal to your ears, but it's bothersome to those who want to slep, just like her pounding footsteps awaken you at o' dark thirty a.m. !

    You have to live with this lady stomping above you and she with your music. To be honest, you both are absolutely right to want to live your everyday lives. You have your lifestyle and she has hers. 

    There is a happy medium is called 


    Let's take the word COMPROMISE. Notice the word PROMISE in the word compromise. Hold onto that thought for a moment.

    Why not go up to her to kindly settle this matter and PROMISE to compromise to keep your volume a bit lower if she promises to walk light footed.

    THAT is the ONLYsolution to BOTH of your legitimate complaints. Because, you are not going to stop watching television and she is not going to quit her job. And I doubt either of you are in the positi on to pack-up and move.

    It is to both of your best interests to work together. 

  • 4 days ago

    If your neighbors are hearing your TV, it is too loud.   Sure you have rights, but so do other people.  Its not very complicated at all.  To help you understand, let me flip it around. What if your neighbor was pat of a musical group, and held their rehearsals in their apartment, where several times a week for several hours they played their musing loudly anytime from 9 in the morning, mid day, afternoons, evenings and even sometimes late into the night.  Would you like that?  More than likely you would not. You would feel that you pay your rent and deserve peace and quite in your home.

    I know much about this as I have had the experience of having to confront neighbors who moved in right next door and where their barking dogs became a big problem. Both times I told them to put a stop to it, and they did. A lot of people in our country are just not self aware enough to anticipate acting simply in a way that they would like other people to treat them.  A lot of people with common sense would not commit the transgression in the first place. Others have to be told .......STOP it, you are bothering my peace of mind. I happen to be a considerate person who tries to behave in a way as a matter of course not to bother people, in the first place.

  • 4 days ago

    Your neighbor is also paying rent and don’t want to be disturb by hearing someone else’s loud noises. There is a volume you can listen to whatever you listening to and they won’t hear it. Be considerate and respectful. 

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  • 4 days ago

    If you can pay $1,700 in rent, you can afford to get earphones.  In fact, there are some that play music.  

  • 5 days ago

    Get headphones that work with your TV.  Even by your own account, you sound like you are the jerk here.

  • 5 days ago

    You can listen to things during the day.  Her complaints at those times are not valid.  Maybe turn the volume down a little, it may be louder than you think.

  • 5 days ago

    Yes & Yes...........................................................

  • Anonymous
    5 days ago

    This sucks. Lived in apt. over a lady that was just like that. She called the cops incessantly and complained to management daily. We ended up getting kicked out. You can fight back. Probably not legally. 

  • 5 days ago

    Your neighbors are paying just as much in rent.

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