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quitting first job?

I got my first job at burger king that's far from my home. I pay about $24 everyday for a lyft to work. I was just offered a job at a retail store that's a 10-15 minute walk from home. I've had five shifts so far at BK and I don't know how to quit since i've never worked before. Should I tell my manager that I've got another job that's closer to home? Can I text her about quitting or should I do it in person? She's never around during my shifts so I never see her. Can I just tell an assistant manager?

8 Answers

  • 2 days ago

    Please do not quit  by texting. However, you might text her to set up an appointment with her to talk in person. If she asks why, you can tell her/him then. By asking to speak in person, and for the reasons you cite, your manager might be gracious enough to accept your resignation then and there. 

      Your situation is perhaps one of the best reasons why  a person might leave a job. Just starting out at an entry level job and then finding one that will save you almost 150 dollars a week is something that every decent manager will understand... Most will smile and wish you luck.Ask your new job if you can give two weeks notice, for fast food one week might be enough.  Ask your assistant manager if you can call the manager and also tell the assistant manager why. Unless your assistant manager is a jerk he/she will also understand.But leaving graciously is very important, even if you were only there for a very short time. Who knows, you may need to go back someday. You are building your job history for the rest of your life. If you start with a solid foundation, it will be much better and easier for you in the future. Plus your co workers will remember how you left and its a small world. You may work with them again somewhere in the future or interact in society. It's always best to have people in your world who respect you.

  • 4 days ago

    You tell your manager you want to give him notice that you don't want to work there anymore.  Giving notice allows you to leave on good terms, where as suddenly quitting without notice can put your manager in a bind if he/she is unable to find a replacement for you.  Your manager may not need notice, but let them figure that out for themselves.  You can communicate this message in a text if you like, but it would be more professional to do so in person (not during a meal rush).  Congrats on the new job.

  • Go there when she's around. Give them some notice that you're quitting and you're not coming back. 

  • Anonymous
    5 days ago

    Yes, tell the assistant manager in person, and give two weeks notice.  Never leave a job via text or email.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 days ago

    You tell her something like "this job is not working out for me. <day of week> will be my last day". Do it IN PERSON.

  • Tavy
    Lv 7
    5 days ago

    Tell the assistant manager.

  • 5 days ago

    More out of context nonsense. Did Michael Jackson quit his first job? LETS SNEEZE TOGETHER! Really wtf?!!!

  • 5 days ago

    Text your manager but realize that you owe them two weeks' notice.

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