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R&P- do you have a funny memory to share from your time using Y!A?

3 Answers

  • 5 days ago

    I have tons of good memories here......and made some great friends. 

    I remember the Good ol Green days, and playing   "Say something about the User above and below you"......and you would get some really,  creative funny answers, that made me spit my tea out....laughing so hard. 

    If you tried that now, all you'd get is a bunch of troll stalker insults. 

  • 5 days ago

    Back in the early days on yahoo some of us used to swap avatars to confuse the rest of them lol.  I don't think I would want to try that now. :(

  • Smiley
    Lv 7
    5 days ago

    I remember the "In My Pants" game, and that was quite funny.

    The idea was to take a song or album title and place "in my pants" at the end.

    Here's a couple examples;

    "All Things Must Pass In My Pants".

    "Tiny Bubbles In My Pants".

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