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Erica asked in HealthMental Health · 5 days ago

Is anyone good at figuring out dreams?

I dreamt that a late relative was giving me a key, saying I’d need it when I tried not to take it. It was during a time when I had a mental health crisis, the night I dreamt it I was thinking people were going to dismember me (paranoia and psychosis) while I was falling asleep. I think this relative was trying to communicate with me about the mental health issue. Does anyone know what the key may symbolize or if it means something when coming from a relative? All help would be greatly appreciated! 

2 Answers

  • 4 days ago

    When we dream, it is our subconscious trying to WORK OUT the problems we are facing on a daily basis.  This is our unconscious mind working hard to find a solution, even if it may appear to be abstract.

    A key is a valuable item that unlocks something, gives us passage into something or might be the basis of a solution to a problem.

    You said you were suffering from paranoia and psychosis.  Sometimes this condition can be genetic and run in families.  And so, are there other people in your family, past or present who have also had this difficulty?  

    Perhaps working on a family medical history would help you figure this out.

    Perhaps the "key" being offered to you was the correct medication?

  • Anonymous
    5 days ago

    I don't try to figure out dreams.  I believe that, if God wants me to understand them, He'll ensure that I do understand them once I'm awake.  If He doesn't explain my dreams I assume that they were just fantasy - which is what the majority of dreams are.  However, I have TWICE heard God speak to me and give me an instruction.  Neither of these occasions were a dream, I literally heard the words being said whilst I was awake. I did what He asked me to do and the outcome was tremendous. I've only shared the details of this with my church Pastor.  The majority of people would never believe what I could tell them.

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