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Anonymous asked in PetsDogs · 5 days ago

Is it possible to train dogs that had to be separated for fighting, but can be trained to get along?

I've seen the same cats fight every day, but slowly are slightly more tolerant.

It started with bullying, until it became a grabbing for and fighting, so I had to break it up because the other dogs would jump in like pack mentality.

So now my wife and I have it so the dog rotates about every few hours to go out with the others, then back in so the bullies can have their turn to go out.

It's a shame because they all used to get along.

2 others fought but finally I taught the veteran dog to be nice.

So now it's the younger ones that are the most aggressive.

I've got them all trained to go into the bedroom when it's time and have biscuits ready.

I know I mist be a,rare person, but these dogs are like my kids so I will not be listening to any negative or rude answers.

What are tips to get them to get along?

I thought having the agressive digs one at a time on a leash to slowly be around the other?

Will spaying help????

They are not spayed yet.


Updated 3 days ago:

I told you stupid @ssholes!!!! I do not get rid of my dogs!!!

God damn I'm not going to miss yahoo answers. 

Updated 3 days ago:

Wow dog catcher troll

 I would put a bullet in your head first.

Updated 3 days ago:

Hound mix breeds not pits. 

Updated 3 days ago:

I prayed about it and had a talk with my veteran hunting dog. 

I showed him my gun and had a talk with him that did it. 

Lots of training and babysitting. 

Ok well since I know more about dog training and psychology than you all do. I see this site is useless. 

For now they're on a watch rotation and shifts. Or they let me know which wants out. 

You'd be amazed how much dogs are like kids. 

3 Answers

  • Jojo
    Lv 7
    4 days ago

    Not enough information to give you any positive advice.

    Age and breed of dogs.

    Gender of dogs.

    How long they have lived together.

    How many dogs you actually own and their ages and breed.

    This is an issue that really needs to be discussed and 

    shown  to a hands on, good dog behaviourist as it 

    appears you have multiple dogs that live as a pack.

    Its not something that can be sorted from advice on a dog forum, as it would more or less just be guesses as to the root of the problem which is more than likely

    a Hierarchy problem within the pack of dogs, and especially between two younger dogs that are not yet fully mature. 

    Source(s): GSD owner for 58 years UK
  • 5 days ago

    It is a combination of dog on dog aggression & territorial behavior.  There isn't anything you can do but hire a professional dog trainer specialized in canine aggression.  But it is not guaranteed that the dog won't fight.  You my have to let one or more go in order to keep peace.  If you have no knowledge about canine aggression, there isn't one thing you can do.  Rehoming may not be the thing to do cause you don't want to hand off an aggressive dog to someone who isn't prepared to deal with it.

    It is easier to tame an aggressive dog than it is to build courage in a submissive dog.

    It may be possible for a trainer to help with the aggression but you cannot have dogs that fight each other.  You have no control over the dogs.  They do not mix well & something needs to be done.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 days ago

    First, you give far too little REAL and HELPFUL information on the situation.  If you want any worthwhile help or suggestions, lease provide:

    The number of dogs in you house, the age of the dogs, the gender or genders, whether any are related, or not.  

    Just because you asked about spaying, does not mean we can ASSUME everybody is female.  BTW, if all are 'same gender' that makes disagreements FAR MORE LIKELY.  Spaying ought to be done for for HEALTH reasons; but is unlikely to prevent or lessen aggression between females.

    Who do you consider to be the bullies (& why)?

    When did the fighting start? No, not the date, the breaking point.  (How many dogs did you have living successfully MINUS fighting?)  And at what point - like when adding more juggling items...... did it go wrong?


    What types of fighting (or bullying) have you seen & what are the TRIGGERS?

    List ALL of the steps you (and/or your spouse) have taken aside from the mentioned ROTATING of who is loose, to stop the fighting.  How much formal obedience (class) training does each dog have, (if any)?  HOW did you teach the "veteran" dog to be nice?  And why did you feel the veteran had to be corrected or "trained" versus another dog?

    How open are you to bringing in a professional?  IMO, you need an animal behaviorist, who can observe the dog & people interactions) and make suggestions based on seeing what is going on IN THE HOME, not a just dog trainer.  "WE" have no idea if any of the dogs are resource guarding, and you may not know that EITHER.  (A behaviorist would.)

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