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Anonymous asked in Family & RelationshipsMarriage & Divorce · 5 days ago

Has wife checked out or in denial?

Hi, so my wife and I decided that we are going to separate and then divorce. We have no kids and are waiting til our lease ends in June to go our separate ways. She told me 2 weeks ago that she still loves me, but its too hard. I still love her too but admit we have problems. We still sleep in the same bed, and when we do speak, we laugh and joke and even went to the beach together for the day. BUT, for the most part, she sits in the bedroom during the evening and me in the living room, although we do eat together. Am i in denial? Is she? Are we both? Or have we gone past the point of no return? 

7 Answers

  • 4 days ago

    Doesn't sound like the point of no return. Try asking her out on dates. Why did you decide to go your separate ways? How long have you been married? Have you two tried counseling to deal with the "problems"? 

  • 4 days ago

    IF you BOTH say the love is still there, why are you not working on fixing what is wrong, rather than ending it? 

    Some couples' counseling might help sort out IF this can, or is, worthwhile saving or if you two can really let it go. I suggest giving it a go, if only for clarification. And closure?

    Time will tell. 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 days ago

    Why don't you have a couple of sessions together with a marriage counselor, who could help you establish where you really are in the relationship and whether its time to part, or not. Good luck, 

  • i + i
    Lv 7
    5 days ago

    Denial of what? It sounds like 

    you get along as friends, just 

    not as a married couple. 

    Counseling might help you get 

    things sorted out but no way for 

    us to guess, given no clue as 

    to what are these "problems".

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 days ago

    Have you tried locking each other up in a room for an hour or so and just talk to each other. Maybe try to discuss what went wrong. Was there something that you needed that she didn’t give and vice versa. 

  • Sandy
    Lv 7
    5 days ago

    why don't you try marriage counseling before you find lawyers.

  • 5 days ago

    You haven't told us what the issues are, so we really can't help with a solution or judge where she stands if we don't know the gravity of your issues.

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