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Do children commit suicide as a result of clinical depression ?

3 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    4 days ago

    Unfortunately, yes.

  • 4 days ago

    Sadly, yes they do.  Statistically, yes they do.

    And from a very early age, too.

  • 5 days ago

    Children commit suicide due to depression and events in their life. Remember, children do not have the ability to control their life, or the world around them, which easily makes a child feel like their is no way out.

    Most young people who suffer depression have had something happen. e.g. bullying, neglectful home life, etc. Of course, some do inherit the depression genetically.

    otherwise, young people don't really have the want to commit suicide. There is nearly always a trigger, and missed opportunities to help the child, whether that be therapeutic treatment or removing them from their family home.

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