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Anonymous asked in Family & RelationshipsFriends · 5 days ago

If someone told you that something horrible happened to a close family member would you go on a trip the very next day ?

I don't need any remarks about it's this person's business they told me their business and leaving it at that. I will get someone who will still talk their crap. A friend called me to tell me in bold writing that their nephew was shot several times fighting for his life. The next day the person traveled which wasn't a paid trip they just traveled 6 hours their regular weekend trip.


It has been a week and speak to this person all the time. Not once have they mentioned their nephew's condition or anything about the incident. No they are not sad they are planning on going a way tomorrow even further and they are having a ball. Just a little confused.

Updated 5 days ago:

His nephew also lived with him several times. They are very close.

1 Answer

  • Merry
    Lv 7
    5 days ago

    You added that his nephew had lived with him... Why? 

    Was he in trouble at home and lived with his uncle in the hope that his uncle could turn him around? 

    I'd suggest that he saw this coming and disengaged from the relationship with his nephew and sibling/in law awhile ago. 

    It sounds like there is history that influences the way he is reacting now. 

    Sure... It sounds a bit uncaring and possibly unusual, whilst he once had a close relationship with his nephew, something changed,  all families are different and I suspect that there are reasons for this that don't make sense for people on the outside. 

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