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Anonymous asked in HealthMental Health · 5 days ago

What do you think of my order for my suicide attempt ?

Updated 5 days ago:

I’m not Sophie 

Attachment image

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    5 days ago

    Well paracetamol are only 50p in Tesco and you can buy packs of 100 from any pharmacy. Those disposable razors are really hard to pull apart and the blades are flimsy. Try proper razor blades, they're only £2.99 with free next day delivery on Amazon and stanley knives are only £2.72 in B&Q

    Your fake suicidal gestures and attention seeking behaviour would be funny if you didn't involve innocent people and waste the emergency services' and the NHS' time. 

    Sophie used to post very similar pictures but it's pretty standard borderline behaviour. It's creepy how you also post your questions in the religion and spirituqality section to get more attention. Just admit you are Sophie and stop the bullsh!t, 'Leah'.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    5 days ago

    There's far better things to commit suicide with that don't involve liver damage or laying in the hospital for 3 weeks waiting to die.  

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