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Anonymous asked in Family & RelationshipsSingles & Dating · 5 days ago

How to stay serious (stop smiling) during sex?!?

Can i have some advice on how to stop smiling during sex...? I am generally a happy, giggly, smiley type girl. Right before and during foreplay i just smile uncontrollably and my boyfriend thinks it's because he is doing something wrong or because i cant take him seriously! how do i get myself to not smile? Last night he asked me why i always smile and now i keep thinking about it. We have been together since October. PLEASE advise me

Updated 5 days ago:

If you are just going to comment something rude and unnecessary dont even bother. 

4 Answers

  • He wants you to be making faces, rolling your eyes and moaning, not smiling. 

  • 5 days ago

    You're not allowed to smile during sex play? Your boyfriend is a nut. If a smile is enough to throw him off his game, he needs to improve his game. Most men love it when their partner smiles and giggles and acts happy during sex play!

  • Kate
    Lv 4
    5 days ago

    Honestly girl ya might need a new boo. I’m

    The same type of girl I laugh/ smile at anything. {honestly life is so much better when you’re laughing}. 

     During sex I’m always laughing at stupid sh*t & the funniest part is the majority of the time I actually am laughing at my hubby. 😂💀clown central haha. But the best part is we laugh together. When you’re able to laugh with someone during sex it’s an entirely new level of comfort. 

     You need to find a man who laughs/ smiles WITH you, not questions you. Haha talk about a vibe kill.. GURLLL IF YEEN LEAVE HIS @SS. We don’t Stan for dry motherf*ckers. 

     Next time he questions you about smiling just be like “bc life is good my guy” then afterwards jam out to the song “I just had sex” together 😂💀. Kid needs ta live a lil. WHERE DA FLAVOR THOUGH? 

  • 5 days ago

    People smile when they are happy and having a good time. What on earth is his problem? He must be very insecure.....

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