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what does it mean when you are easily offended over words people use?

like to an earlier question of mine, some woman answered and used to word ''already'' numerous times and i felt immediately angry because i felt that that word does not apply to me and isn't relevant to me....and i felt enraged with this lady.

i'm a male in my 40s, what does this say about me and how can i deal with it?

1 Answer

  • 4 days ago

    I am not sure that the word is the problem in itself.  It could be that the use of that word sent you a message about her attitude and the attitude is what pissed you off.

    What does it mean, that this happens?  There is no general answer apart from the obvious idea that you were offended for some reason.

    If a word has an automatic response with you, though, it is because you have learned to respond that way to the word. Hard to say why that learned response exists for you in particular.  I have a negative reaction when people say "tipping point" or "triggered", because those words are associated in my mind with certain attitudes and world-views which I find annoying (or worse, I really dislike because I think they are wrong as wrong can be).

    In my experience (including dealing with behaviors that I do not like yet I do/did), it is helpful to first understand WHY the response exists, and then fix that mistake in your training (break the association; retrain yourself).  Cognitive behavioral modification (the term for this method) is not useful for everyone though.  It has worked for me.

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