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Anonymous asked in Family & RelationshipsSingles & Dating · 5 days ago

Would it bother you if the girl you liked lied about her height?

If you met a girl online and she stated in her profile that she under 5'4 (and below) but when you meet her in person she is 6ft, would you be bothered by that? 

This happened to me. I really liked this girl who I met online, we had chatted for a few weeks before meeting up. She said she was 5'2 on her profile and I noticed that so I kept teasing her about her height in a good way. I am half an inch from being 6ft but with shoes on I am. When I met her she was literally my height. I was visibly confused and shocked. We went along our date as planned but then she noticed that I looked uncomfortable and I straight up asked her why she lied about her height. First she said it was a mistake on her profile, but then I asked her why she let me tease her about being small and she said it was just a joke and even tried to lie to me saying that had told me her height but she NEVER did. I proved it to her because the night before meeting she had sent me a message and ended it with 'from your favorite shorty'. She got really mad before going home and started telling me off. I don't speak to this girl anymore because she ended up lying to me and having a horrible attitude. Was I wrong? Would it bother you if a girl lied about her height? I know for a fact height bothers women if a man isn't taller than her.

4 Answers

  • Well, she probably lied about it because a lot of guys don't go for her height. Also, if you've seen picture of her already, you should had been able to figure it out. Also, if she's hot in her pictures, then who cares if she's 6ft and not 5ft. She's still hot. Wait?... Did you not see a picture of her before and seeing her in person is the first time you've seen her?... You wasn't even a little big course about her looks? Man. What if she was a man?


    The girl I like says she's 5'3" but her picture shows her being taller than her friends. Either her friends are under 5ft or she's taller than 5'3". But I don't really care. She's hot. I'll still make many babies with her.

  • 5 days ago

    You weren't wrong. Bottom line, she did in fact lie to you. Maybe she's embarrassed about her height, but still, it's not an excuse to lie about it. And it's incredibly self-delusional to actually think that such a big difference in height (10 inches!!!) will go unnoticed when meeting in person.

    I think she purposely lied, thought to herself that the lie would go unnoticed or it would be overlooked once the two of you met, and then she reacted poorly when it turned out she was challenged with her lie. Hopefully she learns from this and refrains from lying to others in the future. 

    (out of curiosity, if you still have access to her online profile, does it still say 5'2" or has she since corrected or deleted it?)

  • 5 days ago

    ANY lying would bother me, frankly. 

  • 5 days ago

    Yes and no 

    I am pretty sure she doesn't have a problem if you taller or not 

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