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I was supposed to receive a cashiers check, and now the bank/purchaser is asking me to sign a hold harmless agreement.?

I have not received the cashiers check. I asked the purchaser of the check to re issue the check, as the one they say they sent to me, never got here. Now they and the bank are asking me to sign a Hold Harmless Agreement. I do not understand why I have to sign this...

1 Answer

  • 5 days ago
    Favorite Answer

    It sounds like they are asking you to pay for both checks, if the first one shows up and gets cashed. If it never shows up, then you’re okay. But just in case it does, then it’s going to be YOU, not the bank, that has to go after the bad guy.

    You don’t have to agree to this, but then the bank doesn’t have to issue the replacement check. Not unless you force the issue, probably in court.

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