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Samsung v apple?

I hear rumors about Apple trying to create a foldable phone and i am an samsung fan and I use a note 10 plus probably the most beautiful display and smartphone ever and I know that Samsung already creates a foldable phone and I hate iphone people for thinking they are the best and NOW apple wants to copy them again đŸ€Šâ€â™‚ïž  Can Samsung SUE them??? 

Updated 5 days ago:

to the person who said Samsung didn’t invent the foldable phone your wrong Samsung invented premium fold phones NOT nokia so you’re wrong if it was not for Samsung nobody would know they exist 

2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 days ago

    Samsung didn't invent the folding phone.  Many companies applied for patents and made prototypes.  The first commercial folding  phone was introduced by Kyocera in 2008.  It was a high end feature phone.

    The first smartphone was introduced by Royole a year before Samsung introduced the Galaxy Gold.

  • 5 days ago

    Samsung did not invent the idea of foldable phones. 

    Other companies have made them in the past, though usually with two separate screens.

    Nokia were the first to mass produce one, I believe?

    And, other companies manufactured OLED screens before Samsung started with them.

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