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Anonymous asked in Education & ReferenceTeaching · 5 days ago

Teacher certification question (NEW YORK)?

Hello, I am currently attempting to become a teacher in NY. I am almost done with my program in Connecticut but I am from NY originally and want to return home so I will be getting certified in both states. I am getting certified (hopefully) in Biology (Living Environments). I started looking at job openings and all of them are requiring a dual certification in General Science. I have no idea what General Science is. What do I need to be certified in that (credit requirements)? Also, I know it is good to be dual certified but is it necessary? Any info can really help!

1 Answer

  • MS
    Lv 7
    4 days ago

    Teaching certifications are rarely as specific as "biology."  A "general science" certification is more typical, making you eligible to teach a range of science courses.  Teachers are certified in areas like math, science, social studies, etc - not specific courses such as history, algebra, and biology. 

    The NY State teacher certification requirements can be found here:

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