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Lv 7
? asked in Politics & GovernmentLaw & Ethics · 5 days ago

What is considered “common sense” or “reasonable” gun reform legislation?

9 Answers

  • 2 days ago

    In Vermont and NH, the only gun laws were "please refrain from giving guns to children, mentally defectives, and anyone you believe may be a convicted felon".  Period. No license, no registration, not CCW permit.  They continue to enjoy the lowest gun-homicide rates in the country. Therefore, such a model is "common sense" and "reasonable".  

    Also, the federal government has limited jurisdiction over things ALLOWED for federal regulation in the US Constitution, let alone things PROHIBITED from infringement, in so many words.  At some point, I would expect a US Supreme Court ruling that all federal firearms restrictions are, in fact, unconstitutional to the extent they do not accomplish the goal of public safety in ways that are tailored to the narrowest infringement of the individual right to carry a firearm.  Then there will be a later case to extend the concept, under the 14th Amendment, to all state laws as well.

    Source(s): strict scrutiny
  • Anonymous
    4 days ago

    All gun sales and permit procedures and laws should be the same throughout every state in the country. Including punishments for breaking said laws.

    Where I live, I had to pay for and take a NRA gun course at. a local range; which included six hours of classroom learning, a written test, a shooting range test and to learn gun safety measures. After passing all of those tests, I had to go to my local Police Department and be fingerprinted while conscenting to an FBI background check. All of this took about a month. When I bought a hand gun, I had to provide my license to carry and they did another background check before finalizing the sale. Also, there is a law in my state that makes me responsible if my gun is stolen, and if unreported, and said gun is used in a commission of a crime, I could be charged as an accomplice to that crime.

    So, I think my state has a pretty good handle on how a citizen can legally own, use and carry a weapon.

    About semi automatic weapons and large magazines...leave those to law enforcement. Because if you discharge a handgun with, say 6 rounds, and you miss the target, then you need more training because you'd have better luck using a garden hose !

    Although I'm not sports minded, I realized I have pretty good eye-hand coordination with target practice, for a female pushing 60 years old.

    Attached is the results of one of my target practices. Not one missed shot! Joking comment in Red aside. I am a responsible gun owner !

    Attachment image
  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 days ago

    That depends on who you ask, obviously. For example, I suggest making it illegal to own an unregistered weapon. Make the registered owner legally responsible for the gun. Require annual background checks to make sure no “red flags” have occurred that would deny a person the right to buy a gun. Ban all semi-auto guns.

  • 4 days ago

    Depends on who you ask.

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  • Embery
    Lv 5
    5 days ago

    I guess they don't know what shall not be infringed means.

  • 5 days ago

    let's try this...

    would you approve of a permanent, lifetime government registry, available to all law enforcement and background check agencies, of people classified as "mentally ill?"

    would you approve this list including everyone who ever sought even one session of counselling for depression or PTSD (the two most-common mental health concerns in America?)...

    for example, if you were having a hard time adjusting to college the first month of your freshman year and got a pamphlet on depression from the campus health center...would you be OK being asked decades later during a job interview for a management position "could you explain why you are on the registry of mentally ill people?"

    well... this is exactly what Andrew Cuomo planned for New York State as "common sense gun control" anyone on this registry would be permanently banned from gun ownership... until getting shot down in the courts...

    the courts called it "excessive overreach"...but even then, people who opposed Cuomo's efforts were met with cries of "why are you so against COMMON SENSE GUN SAFETY LAWS!?"

  • PIE
    Lv 5
    5 days ago

    Show a photo Id..

    Fill out paperwork from your state and pass a background check BEFORE you can put your hands on any firearm.

    It seems to work in Pennsylvania.

    BTW, how will YOU stop folks that can't legally purchase weapons from using girlfriends to purchase their weapons?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 days ago

    In today’s political context “common sense” and “reasonable” mean my preferred political team getting 100% of what they want and my non-preferred political team getting 0% of what they want.  

  • 5 days ago

    I dont have a problem with background checks. But I doubt they stop gun killing. There is no way to enforce it on person to person sales. 

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