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Can anyone provide links to CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC reporting on Phillip Adams murdering white grandparents, 2 grandchildren and a?

visitor at their home in South Carolina?

I need it for my previous question that folks won't reply to.

This is the only prominent source that I could find!

Updated 5 days ago:


Shouldn't this be available on the Internet?

Boo hoo hoo!

2 Answers

  • y
    Lv 7
    5 days ago
    Favorite Answer

    They will, it will be spun around as to how football bad.  Hey, that will tie right into the latest screams for shut downs, youth sports.  Youth sports are supper spreaders and need to be shut down was this morning headlines from the local news. Sort of parallels the academics verse jocks in school, only now. Those academics are in charge.

  • 5 days ago


    Turn on your fvcking television.

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