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Matt Gaetz has just given us yet another reminder of the type of "morality" we are dealing with in US politics. Should we thank him...?

Updated 5 days ago:

...for showing us what the GOP's real "family values" are?

4 Answers

  • 5 days ago
    Favorite Answer

    More bad news today for Gaetz.

    Indicted Matt Gaetz Associate, Joel Greenberg, Is Expected to Plead Guilty, Lawyers SayThe associate could cooperate with prosecutors, giving them information about Mr. Gaetz’s relationships that investigators are examining for possible sex trafficking violations.

  • Anonymous
    5 days ago

    " US REPUBLICAN politics," you mean, the party that supports presidential pvssy-grabbers (e.g., Trump), congressional pedos (e.g., Moore), and justicial rapists (e.g., Cavanaugh) and sexual harassers (e.g., Thomas). At this rate, Gaetz is just one leaked-sex-tape-of-him-banging-a-roofied-tween-tranny away from becoming the next Republican nominee for President.

  • kswck2
    Lv 7
    5 days ago

    'Morality' does not figure into today's politics. 

  • 5 days ago

    He's a randy young buck, however today it's better to be a tranny freak or an old Cuomo-Biden-like pre-vert.

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