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How do I stop being so scared of people?

Like I feel scared all the time, everyday!! this is soo depressing everytime I think everything will get better things just get worse and worse. Today I went to the park with my husband and our 2daughters one is 2 the other is 5 everything was good we were having a good time they were just playing there. But then this 2girls arrived and sat down on the bench while their kid played in the playground with my daughters. And I started feeling panicky and shaky felt like I had to hide somewhere I just didn't want them to look at me I didn't know what to do I was just so afraid of myself and of them and even worse I think my husband knows about it but he just stayed quiet 😭😭😭 like we been together for 6 years and I just don't understand why he's never asked me this question "What's wrong with you?', "Can I help you?" Nothing!! 😢😢😢 I've even had thoughts of suicide because of this problem. I'm 23yrd btw and I started having social phobia when I was 15 idk how it started. Also I can't go to places like restaurants where there's a lot of people or playgrounds where there's a whole bunch of people that's like really scary for me I get panic attacks if I'm in front of a lot of people or they just lock eyes on me. Idk what to do anymore 😭😭😭 this is interfering with my everyday life I can't even work in a job where there will be people

1 Answer

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 days ago
    Favorite Answer

    You need to see a therapist before you develop full-blown agoraphobia and can't even leave the house.  That's where you're headed. You need treatment from a professional who specializes in phobias before this gets any worse.  It's interfering with a normal life and could eventually cause problems for your children, so you HAVE to do something about it.

    Seek help.  And good luck to you.

    By the way, you need a psychiatrist (they are medical doctors) or a psychologist with a PhD, not just a "counselor".  And bear in mind: these problems often develop as a result of severe anxiety that's related to problematic earlier experiences in life, so be prepared to do some serious exploration of your childhood, adolescence, family relationships, etc.

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