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Anonymous asked in HealthGeneral Health CarePain & Pain Management · 5 days ago

Neck/ thyroid question. Doctors, help?

I got an ultrasound for  thyroid done last week and was told I have a 1.1 cm nodule on the left side of my neck, so even though it’s small, I’m getting a biopsy done on it soon just to be certain. Today, I started feeling something compressing against my throat, also on the left side of my neck. It feels like ball sitting in my throat and pressing against something. It’s also making me feel like I have to gag and vomit from the pressure and pressing. I’m not sure what this could be. I talked to my doctor but was only told it’s probably a swollen lymph node. I’m scared of surgery and don’t want to have that done if I have to. I’m recalling hoping this is just a strained muscle and will disappear by tomorrow. What could this be?

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