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Anonymous asked in Entertainment & MusicPolls & Surveys · 5 days ago

Which is better? Bus or taxi ?

6 Answers

  • 5 days ago

    The bus if I have to but I hate being crammed in with all those dirty n'iggers. So when possible I walk 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 days ago

    Taxi, because it takes you right to where you want to go.

  • Anonymous
    5 days ago

    I would say taxi, it's quicker and more convenient. But I hate the mindless, forced small talk 

  • 5 days ago

    Buses are cheap, but in my town they are quite unreliable.  You could be waiting and watching the board, telling you the bus will arrive in 6 minutes and then it suddenly disappears and says it's coming in 45 minutes and no sign of any actual real buses.  I prefer trains, at least they seem to come up with probable excuses for not turning up, like leaves on the track or snow!  Taxis can be overpriced.

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  • 5 days ago

    Depends.  Bus is cheaper to use but only stops at certain places, but a taxi will take you directly to where you want to go.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    5 days ago

    Bus because it feels a lot less personal.

    Taxi/uber drivers try to start a conversation with you. bleh

    You can get on a seat with no people on it with the bus.

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