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Pc won't boot up.?

Hello having problems bootng up pc.i had done everything for the followings.i checked ddr4 rams.power connectors.m.2 ssd.cpu.clear cmos.Still Nothing.i also noticed that my rgb keyboard and mouse not lit so i look on mobo and mobo rgb lights not on either.even on rear.including lan ethernet led light not on.i think what happen is after i replaced my 10th gen intel cpu the rack that holds the heatsink fell in so i used the magnetic piece to lift the rack so i can screw in the mounts to hold the you ppl think that the magnet is the cost for my pc to malfunction? I looked on my status led on mobo only cpu lit for a moment then dram stay solid light then my pc making beeping processor should be fine because i just got it today.i even use my other processor.power supply.same results.nothing.i think i just killed my mobo because of the magnetic part.hope this help.thx everyone. 

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3 Answers

  • 5 days ago
    Favorite Answer

    the beep codes are listed in your mobo's manual -- or else online at maker's website.  find out what the code you're getting means ...

  • 2 days ago

    I found my answers everyone..reason why pc won't boot is because of my mistake.cpu cover that came with the mobo i try to cover up the pins so no debris won't get in until i get i7 11th Gen.i forced it in too much and possibly bent few if pins on intel motherboard is bent.good luck trying to get it back in place.i tried and it's difficult because pins is too small.or might as well buy a new motherboard. First time i killed my mobo by accident and pins are Very Delicate.We learn from our mistakes and not gonna ruin another mobo.264.00 Down the drain☠☠💀💀 No answers needed.just letting you all know the answer to this issue.

  • 5 days ago

    I will pray that you figure out the problem.  

    James 5:16 (Pray one for another) 

    Source(s): The New Testament (recommended reading)
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