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Anonymous asked in Science & MathematicsPhysics · 6 days ago

I can't figure out these 2 physics questions?

1) Vertically polarized light with initial intensity 5 W/m2 travels through two polarization filters. The first is oriented 0 degrees from vertical, and the second is oriented 60 degrees from vertical. What is the intensity of the transmitted light?

2) A hyperopic individual has a near point of 60 cm, instead of the average of 25 cm. What power glasses should the doctor prescribe, assuming the lens will sit 2 cm from their eye?If you could show all the work so I can learn better I would appreciate it. Thanks!!

1 Answer

  • 5 days ago

    Anonymous doesn't deserve answers.  The intensity left is the component in the direction of the filter.  In the first filter cos(0) = 1 so there is no reduction.  In the second it is reduced to cos(60) = 1/2 hence the total reduction = 1*1/2 = 1/2 or 2.5 w/m^2

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