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Anonymous asked in Science & MathematicsPhysics · 6 days ago

Confused with physics problem?

A thin film of cinnamon oil (n=1.4) rests on top of a glass slide (n=1.5). If light of wavelength 500 nm travels through air before entering the cinnamon oil, what is the minimum thickness for destructive interference?

Updated 6 days ago:

actually the first n=1.8

1 Answer

  • 6 days ago

    I am not sure after the update.  Case 1 cinnamon oil 1.4 and glass 1.5

    there is a phase change at the first boundary and also one at the second so the light must move through a half wavelength for destructive interference. ie thickness = wavelength / 4

    Case 2 cinnamon oil = 1.8 glass = 1.5.  Phase change at the first boundary and NO phase change at the second.  The light must move through a whole wavelength to give a net 180 degree phase.   ie thickness = wavelength / 2

    You must determine the wavelength in the cinnamon oil to complete the question.

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