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In a bit of a dilemma with my friends, don’t know who I can trust and I’m in a bit of a spot, l Tryna make a life decision but It’s risky.?

A well known friend of mine, our friend group fell out with them over various reasons I thought was pety, but mostly cuz they fell out with thier best friend whom they had benefits with, over something they said to the bf and they said they it was a private matter and they would take back my friend apologise, blocked them unless they apologised through a 3rd friend, as a result the 3rd friend got few of us together to discuss the problems to my friend,

I disagreed with everything as they wanted to leave and isolate him, 

Taking the bf side

Then the bf found some hearsay mostly about him and told us they had benefits even though thier name wasn’t mentioned, and most things on the site was usual garbage

As a result I told some of my own feelings, they got mad

Next thing, I was excluded from the chat using my mental health as a excuse, and feel I got silenced when I wanted them to listen what I wanted to say, after the chat with him they fail to tell me anything and let others know before me, with the bf spreading more sh*t to the others, before I could process

I didn’t want to go through with it as I felt he has tried to help me on my feet as he’s the only person that believed  in me and I want to do something positive for others out, but also give back something to him as I felt like he’s at he’s happiest when I’m happy doing what I do.

It saddens me they done this to him, also felt the bf just controlling people as I been told  that I’m exiled if I talk to him, what do I do?

Updated 6 days ago:

I honestly thought the bf wasn’t to be trusted as they not said anything nice to me and gave me some kinda psychology page off the web as soon as I found out thinking she knows me when I can see through it.

I feel they withholding things that could be damaging for my friend, as I think they want to shame him and feel it’s got too much of hand, I’m scared what this could mean for me as this will look bad on me if I don’t side with them but I got a gut feeling   That this isn’t right.

Updated 5 days ago:

Sorry about my spelling and grammar issues, couldn’t fit everything with a limit.

Updated 5 days ago:

Also should I rewrite this again?

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    5 days ago

    Sorry, about my grammer pretty hard to fit everything with a word limit.

  • Anonymous
    6 days ago

    "what do I do?"

    Take a grammar and spelling course and try again. Whew - unreadable.

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