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Anonymous asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 6 days ago

Why doesn’t the British Army go into Northern Ireland (Ulster) and stop the riots?

Those Catholics should move to the Republic of Ireland. Britain show your stubborn determination and put down the rioters. Germany in WWII could not beat Britain. Napoleon could not beat Britain. These Irish Republicans need to study history. No one beats the British!

5 Answers

  • 6 days ago
    Favorite Answer

    Martial law should be declared.

  • Anonymous
    6 days ago

    It's the loyalist that are kicking up a fuss about the NI protocol the DUP signed up to, large amounts of their drugs have been seized in south east antrim and the UDA are labeling them as a "renegade group" of UDA men as they were caught red handed, nationalists have nothing to to with this tiurmoil 

  • Anonymous
    6 days ago

    Germany won in every way that mattered! It was rebuilt spanking brand new! Paid for by the Marshall plan! So communism would not become attractive to the fallen!

    Whilst the Nazi war criminals were recruited by the allies to fight the Soviet Union!

    The space program built courtesy of the German who worked for Hitler!

    Britain won! Exactly what? It lost the trading Empire! To America!

    It had to borrow money to rebuild Britain - the loan had to be paid for over 60 years! To America!

    America had Britain to thank for its super power status!

    If no one beats the British why is America calling the shots?  Or maybe you didn't notice Churchill lost the family silver to his mother's side of the family America!

    Plus post 2001 terrorists were not viewed in the same light! 

    Many Irish fled to America. They hate the British!

    Hence the American insistence of a peace deal!

    Biden is PROUD of his Irish roots!

    Britain take on America? 

  • 6 days ago

    because the last time the british went to northern Ireland they deserved to be massacred. Thatcher created an illegal military campaign there and now all the British deserve to have their homes bombed

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  • Anonymous
    6 days ago

    'Those Catholics'; surely not those loyalists (the UDA, no less) who are once again  kicking off after the PSNI have strangled their drug routes from Britain. This has nothing to do with either 'religion', 'politics' - or even law, and if the asker thinks hairy-arsed Brits will do another Bloody Sunday - either in Derry or elsewhere, let's see how eager the London press are happy when the mainland starts to get blown up again.

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