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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 6 days ago

What kind of sick person would be against President Biden looking to curb gun violence in America?

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    6 days ago

    America has a drug problem. Their solution was to try and get rid of the drugs. This didn't work.

    America has a problem with all kinds of violence, not just gun violence. What he's proposing is not going to change that.

    Why don't Americans care more about the roots of the violence and drug addiction in our country? That's the only way to improve these issues. 

    Our last president said things like "when you start looting we start shooting" and "grab her by the pu**y". He lied to all Americans for his own self interest, disrespected our democracy and incited an insurrection on our nations capitol. Not only did he get away with it, people still follow this disgusting excuse for a human. 

    America doesn't have a gun problem. America has a government problem. American society is f**ked and has to change. 

    The wealthy people run this country. They have the power. The situation America is in is exactly why the second amendment was written and exactly why we became a country in the first place. Democrats, Republicans, liberals... who gives a s**t. We the people. There is power in that. I'm not scared of our guns, I'm scared of our government. 

  • Anonymous
    6 days ago

    Because you are trying to help muslims take over and take away our freedom! You want to do that so only the criminals have guns!! And they want to try and stop the people they claim are racists. And target them... They take their guns away.. And closer we go to losing our freedom and turning into Islam. And they could take people as sex slaves like theyve done all through out history. Id rather have a little gun violence then that. People need to be able to protect their turf. Dont you know how dangerous some places are. And you want to take away their guns and put thwir lives in serious danger??? Why would you even suggest that??? Why dont people care abojt them and their saftey??? You are the sick one op if you think that. We need to fight to keep our citizens safe. 

  • Finch
    Lv 5
    6 days ago

    Rational people oppose the old coot's EOs. A "sick person" would oppose gun control, not support it.

    Plus, those EOs won't do a thing to stop shootings.

  • 6 days ago

    We should try not to insult while we tell them the truth.

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  • 6 days ago

    Hunter Biden broke many existing gun laws

  • Anonymous
    6 days ago

    What sick person would ever vote for a known pedophile with dementia?

  • Gloria
    Lv 4
    6 days ago

    The very kind of low-class white trash that WANTS gun violence.

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